Influencer Checklist

By: Sabrina Cruz, Account Manager @ Foodie Tribe

Looking to improve your influencer marketing skills? We’ve got your back! Here are some tips and tricks to keep you in check and explain what you need to create the best content for you and your partnerships. 

Understand the Objective

First things first, you need to understand the objective and goal of the campaign. In a way, you’ll be working backward to identify what to do to get there through your content. This will keep your strategy aligned with the objective of the collaboration, and drive your creativity. 

Examples are:

  • Are you trying to increase brand awareness or drive engagement? 

  • Do you want to build on the loyalty and goodwill of your existing audience?

  • Are you trying to increase sales online or in stores? 

  • Are you driving link clicks? 

Develop a Creative Concept

The second is to develop a creative concept on how you plan to create the content to hit the objective. This is the fun part to check off because your creativity comes into play. Together with the platform, content deliverables, and your feed style, this is your chance to impress! The better your messaging fits with your audience, the easier it is for you to push the brand out. Even with the most exciting campaign or best product-market fit, consumers will lose interest if your messaging or content doesn’t captivate them. The creative concept from the influencer will allow all parties a mutual understanding of the creative boundaries and the review process. 

Trending examples are:

  • Day in the life 

  • Video montage 

  • Trending audios 

  • Photo dumps

Be Authentic

Due to the growing skepticism in the minds of consumers towards traditional advertising methods, they are looking for active interaction and genuine information. Coming into third is your authenticity! Ultimately, you are an extension of the brand you are promoting by helping them reach their goal and communicate effectively with their target audience. The relationship between an influencer and their follower is built on trust. If you’re unauthentic in your content, then you shatter that trust. Because of this, sharing the quality and benefits from your point of view is essential. This will benefit both the creator and partner as it will come across as genuine and resonate with the audience. 

Examples of how to do this are:

  • Stick to your content style 

  • Be creative and mindful in your approach 

  • Ensure your message aligns with yourself and your partner

Capture Extra Content

Fourth, is to make sure to capture your best work! This can be through taking a lot of images or video footage. Having options is best to allow flexibility for any comments or feedback the brand may have with particular shots. Leveraging different angles, props, and framing will give a variety of options for you to work with. In most campaigns, there is no opportunity to reshoot content, so capturing extra footage can benefit you in the long run. 

For example:

  • Having additional content on hand will benefit you if the brand has edits or questions about the final assets. 

  • As a best practice, a single shoot should be 30+ images. 

Double-Check Your Work

And lastly, the fifth to check off is putting everything into play! You want to push out the best content to pull in high metrics and complete your job by achieving the brand's goal. Some key reminders to always double-check are:

  • Look back at your key talking points and guidelines

  • Use correct grammar and punctuation in the post copy

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