TikTok Metrics to Track

By Andrea Alessandrini, Social Media Coordinator @ Foodie Tribe

When it comes to social media metrics and analytics, we know them like the back of our hands. With Instagram positioning itself as the "OG" platform, it's often easier to hone in on which metrics are important when measuring success. But as TikTok continues to grow and brands become more interested in the platform, we're seeing that there's less information to help guide brands along the way. With TikTok quickly becoming THE social media platform, we're here to share the metrics we, here at Foodie Tribe, are finding most valuable: 

1.Overview Metrics – These are metrics that we often see and hear about when discussing the topic of social media and measuring the success of a campaign or social strategy. The following are metrics you can easily find on TikTok:

  1. Video views




These are the most common and spoken-about engagement metrics people investigate when looking at their profile and content performance. In a world where creators and brands are worried about whether people are interacting with their content, things like likes, comments, shares, and saves matter because they are what ultimately increase your engagement rate.

2.Engagement Rate - This key metric is what brands tend to heavily focus on when looking to work with influencers, especially on TikTok. Most people think that a high number of followers is essential when it comes to being successful on the app, and often believe that if they have thousands of followers, brands will want to work with them, but more often than not, we’re seeing that is no longer the case. If an account has 100,000 followers but their content only gets 100 likes, there is an obvious disconnect between the content their posting and what their audience is receptive to. 

  1. To calculate TikTok engagement, you would total the number of likes, comments and shares, and divide that by the amount of views a video has. (NOTE: You can also divide the engagement by total followers, but we like to use views or impressions for a more accurate account of the number of humans that actually saw the post.)

  2. Engagement Rate Benchmarks:

    1. 0-50K followers - 4.8%

    2. 50K-1MM - 6.7%

    3. 1MM+ - 8%

3.Follower Growth – While this may come across as self explanatory, Follower Growth is often a metric that many people track on their own, especially if their goal is to grow on a specific platform.Growth is often viewed as the most obvious sign of success, as the more followers you gain, the more eyes are on your brand/account. By growing your audience, ultimately your brand awareness increases, which is a huge plus in the world of social media.

4.Hashtag Performance – According to Social Insider, hashtag views is a metric that shows how many times a post with a given hashtag has been displayed. Like other social media platforms, it is important to use trending hashtags to optimize views and increase follower growth and brand awareness. When you click on a hashtag on TikTok, you can see the videos that use the specific hashtag being searched. This lets you know whether or not a hashtag is trending, starting to trend, or not trending at all.

If you’re looking to grow on TikTok and don’t know where to start or what metrics to track, we are here to help! Our passion is to guide creators and brands in the food + beverage industry and set them up for success from day one. If you’re looking to get get your content in front of your target audience, let us know! We’ve got you covered.