Boosting Content: The Benefits of Whitelisting

By Taylor Dupree, Account Manager @ Foodie Tribe

When it comes to meeting campaign goals, Foodie Tribe strives to go above and beyond for our clients to ensure all KPI benchmarks are met across the board. One of the practices that we have adapted within our agency, is managing whitelisted content. Whitelisting can bring many benefits for the client and the influencer, providing external exposure for both parties. Let’s explore the benefits of whitelisting and why you should consider it for your next influencer campaign!

What is Whitelisting?

Whitelisting is a form of paid advertising that allows you to target specific audiences across key markets you are looking to expand brand visibility in. Combined with premium content created by influencers, Foodie Tribe recommends whitelisting your content based on your overall campaign goals. If your campaign KPIs are to have high reach and impressions, whitelisting is a great way to exceed these benchmarks. Foodie Tribe can make recommendations based on what key markets to target in addition to the time period of the advertised content if you aren’t sure where to start

Why is Whitelisting so valuable?

Whitelisting is a valuable paid advertising tool that can be used to expand your brands overall visibility during an influencer marketing campaign. When launching influencer marketing campaigns Foodie Tribe collaborates with our partner platform CreatorIQ to provide our clients with a Campaign Planner KPI Estimate. This allows us to provide accurate organic benchmarks, which can further educate the client on whether or not they would like to whitelist any content in the campaign. At the end of a campaign, Foodie Tribe creates a report that shows both organic versus paid (whitelisted) metrics to show the true value of the ad. From here you can then accurately plan for future campaigns, and use this initial run as a benchmark.

Why apply Whitelisting to your campaign?

Whitelisting allows you to control and edit the campaign content after it’s been published, and extends the overall lifespan of the branded content. Whitelisting can be utilized by brands that are already digitally established but provides benefits to new brands looking to grow their reach and awareness.

Want to learn more about whitelisting? We’re here to help! Reach out to Foodie Tribe today to learn more about how we can help you accelerate your brand's digital presence through our influencer marketing campaigns!

Emily KlempelComment