How to Become a Food Content Creator

Want to become a food content creator but don’t know where to start? The answer is both simpler and more complex than you might think. The first step to becoming a food content creator is to, well, create content. It doesn’t matter if your image isn’t perfectly edited or your Reel is a little choppy — getting started is the first (and most important) part of the journey. As you hone your content a little more, you can get more refined and really work to build your brand. The guidelines below, which we’ve based on our own experiences and the influencers we know and love, will help you to create content that’s mouthwatering, eye-catching, and worth a like and follow.

Find Your Niche

Sure, food could be considered a niche on its own, but it’s still a really broad field to cover. If you want to nab an audience, you need to narrow it down a bit more. Are you going to be posting cooking tutorials or restaurant reviews? Maybe your content is focused on a specific location or certain type of food (mac and cheese, French fries, ice cream — dedicated accounts for all of these foods exist). Whichever you choose, narrowing down the focus helps to establish your identity and cultivate a unique audience.

Be Consistent

Consistency is key in so many ways when it comes to creating content. While you do need to post regularly (three times a week is the minimum), you should also be creating a consistent brand identity. Come up with a unique name, establish a color palette, and create a visual identity that helps your page pop. 


Content creation, like all skills, takes effort and time. You might not be the best photographer straight away, but with time you can hone the skill and learn what works and what doesn’t. Use your favorite accounts as inspiration and continuously work to get better.


Interacting with your audience is key to building a following on any platform. Be sure to like and comment on other TikToks and Reels you love, and reply to comments you get on your own. Don’t be afraid to ask for feedback, either! Instagram story features like polls, quizzes, and question boxes are a great way to build up conversation. By doing so, you’ll create a sense of community and loyalty with your followers.


Social media is constantly evolving, so it’s important to keep your finger on the pulse of digital trends and adapt to new guidelines, apps, etc. Ten years ago, social media was solely photos, but now video reigns supreme. Be willing to evolve and update your style based on the industry, algorithms, and audience behavior.


There are so many different tools, tricks, and features you can use as a content creator. As you build up your account, invest in equipment like a ring light, flat lays, and a tripod to create better, higher-quality photos and videos. On Instagram and TikTok, use the in-app features available, like collaborations with other accounts or the stitch feature. And, as you grow, you can explore partnerships and ways to monetize your content. As a content creator, it’s imperative that you never stop experimenting and trying new things — after all, that’s what keeps social media interesting!

At Foodie Tribe, we are 100% focused on the food and beverage industry, whether that’s through influencer marketing or social content creation. Visit to learn more and see how we can help establish and grow your digital presence.

Emily KlempelComment