Public Relations and Influencer Marketing: The Communications Dream Team

By Tyler Sminkey, Public Relations Director @ Foodie Tribe

Securing a partnership with high-profile influencers is similar, in many ways, to publicists pitching a top-tier press outlet for client coverage – they both require detailed planning and a well thought-out strategy.

The advent of social media tilted the PR world, and publicists had to move with the times. They embraced new social platforms as they popped up, which eventually brought about the creation of influencers. Influencer marketing and public relations tend to fall into the same bucket: they work daily to communicate a story to an audience. Having both programs in place means you’re set up for success with an integrated communications plan.

The Publicist + The Influencer

A good publicist knows the importance of a great pitch and the crucial elements that it requires — current events, what your target reporter covers and is interested in, what types of stories the outlets they write for typically publish, and more. There must be a balance between what the client wants and how the publicist manages those expectations.

On the other end, high-profile influencers need to put their audience and branding at the forefront of all content they create. Influencers typically become successful when they embrace a passion and find like-minded individuals who care about their content and align with their values. Influencers seek the best of what they’re passionate about (at Foodie Tribe, we’re talking about fantastic food!). Before posting content, influencers take into account the following:

  • The best way to present the content to their audience (i.e. which social platform?)

  • How the content will resonate with their audience

  • How the content aligns with their personal brand and voice

  • How the content aligns with their Instagram feed and aesthetic

  • And much, much more!

The publicist and influencer have a similar goal: to tell a story to an audience. The brands they work with have a structure for that story, but it comes down to PR and influencer marketing to successfully convey it to consumers. The publicist and influencer are a critical part of any communications strategy and are key when it comes to branding, content creation, marketing, and publicity (just to name a few!).

Share Your Story

Just as publicists require a retainer, influencers need to be paid for their time and work. Check out this recent article from Foodie Tribe about what brands can expect regarding the cost of working with influencers.

If you’re looking to share your company’s story with the press or if you’re in the market to work with renowned foodie influencers, get in touch with us!

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