Working with Nano Influencers

By Sabrina Cruz, Account Manager @ Foodie Tribe

Despite what you might think, macro-influencers with high follower counts are not the only option when it comes to successful influencer marketing. Number of followers is important when the goal of a campaign is reach and impressions. But when it comes to driving engagement and conversions, nano influencers can be the perfect fit! More and more brands have started to leverage smaller-scale influencers with solid engagement rates and a niche focus on offering authentic reviews. Nano influencers range from 1k to 10k followers and are considered the powerhouses of engagement!

What makes nano influencers so valuable?

Most nano influencers are everyday people who have daytime jobs and use their platforms as creative outlets. This could involve posting about hobbies, creating recipes, or sharing vacation photos. Their platforms truly represent them and what they are passionate about, and that means they are building a following with authentic content that represents who they are. Brands are catching onto this format and the engaging relationship these influencers have with their followers. If we’ve learned anything from the rise of influencer marketing, it’s that people trust people, and we’re more likely to buy something our favorite influencer recommends versus from a generic paid advertisement. 

How do you know a nano influencer is best for your brand?

Every campaign has different budgets, goals, and key performance indicators, and understanding what you are looking to accomplish will determine which tier of influencers will work best. Nano influencers tend to be more affordable in the influencer marketing world. This can work best for smaller up-and-coming brands looking to target specific markets. It can also work well for larger brands looking to work with a large number of nano influencers to maximize those high engagement rates. If your goal is to reach the maximum number of people through reach and impressions, an influencer with 10k+ will work best. On the other hand, a nano influencer's audience brings in high engagement with shares, likes, comments, saves, and clicks. These higher engagement rates are best if the campaign’s call to action is to visit a website, reshare a post, drive traffic to giveaways, or promote discount codes.

What does that look like for brands?

Brands of course want to drive sales, and nano influencers are the gateway to consumers' hearts (and pockets). Nano influencers are very in tune with their followers and hold a certain level of responsibility because they are less likely to promote or share something they genuinely do not like or approve of. This gives brands an advantage in marketing because they have guaranteed authenticity. Additionally, the influencers can communicate openly with their followers through comments or direct messaging, and they can share this feedback back with the brands. ​​Because of this, the influencers start to become the customers’ advocates. 

How to work with a nano influencer?

There are so many nano influencers out there! Technically speaking, if you have 1,000 followers and are posting on social media, you could be considered a nano influencer. Working with nano influencers allows brands to build long-lasting relationships with them. Over time, these nano influencers will become micro-influencers and, soon enough, even macro influencers. When working with nano influencers, brands should keep in mind that these influencers may be newer to influencer marketing and they may have full-time jobs outside of influencing as well. Patience and some grace on both sides goes a long way!

A final thought: Should brands be including nano influencers in their influencer marketing strategies? We say: Absolutely! Nano influencers are genuine and will work hard to create the best content for their audience and their brand partners. They stay active because they genuinely enjoy posting and building long-lasting relationships for future opportunities. 

If you’re looking for some help managing all things social and influencer marketing, Foodie Tribe can help. We’re experts in strategizing and managing influencer campaigns leveraging all types of influencers, from nano influencers to celebrities. Reach out to our team, and we can schedule a chat!

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