How to Find Food + Beverage Content Inspiration

By: Leah Scalzadonna, Content Strategist @ Foodie Tribe

Creating food and beverage content might seem easy—after all, we have to eat and drink everyday! However, creativity is bound to be blocked at some point and those everyday eats aren’t always the most eye-catching. So, in those moments when you find yourself at a loss for ideas, take some inspiration from the following six sources. When you know where to look, the options are limitless!

1. Your Instagram and TikTok Feeds

This one might seem obvious, but your peers and competitors are often the best sources of inspiration! Look at what is working for them and their audience, then base your ideas off of that. You might find that their users love their cheese pulls or adore their champagne toasts, so take in those moments and put your own creative spin on it. 

2. Trends and Challenges

Hopping on a trend, whether it’s a winning recipe or a catchy audio clip, can yield big results. Next time you’re stuck, scroll through Twitter’s trending hashtags, look at popular memes on Reddit, browse YouTube’s explore page, and check out any challenges that are going around on TikTok. Just be sure to strike while the iron’s hot!

3. Your Own Backyard

Popular restaurants with lines out the door can seem like a must-visit, but ultimately you’ll wind up creating the same content as everyone else. Instead, take a walk around your neighborhood and explore what makes it special, from old school delis to cute cafés. 

4. Outside Your Comfort Zone

It might be easy to stick to your favorites, but posting the same foods all the time can get a little repetitive. Next time you dine out or order takeout, challenge yourself to try something you wouldn’t normally order—and film yourself eating it! Whether you loved it or hated it, it’s still fun content to share with your followers. 

5. On a Team

Sometimes, the best work is done as part of a team. Thanks to Instagram’s latest collab feature, it’s easier than ever to team up with another creator and brainstorm something to do together, from exploring new restaurants to hosting a giveaway. 

6. In The Kitchen

When all else fails, toss on your apron and give a new recipe a try. If you really want a challenge, try making a themed menu or recreating a dish from a TV show or movie. Go live and ask your followers to cook along, or make a video for reels or TikTok. Oftentimes, inspiration is hiding right in your fridge or pantry. 

Looking for more food and beverage inspo in 2023? We can help! Apply to join Foodie Tribe for expanded brand partnerships and the opportunity to network with fellow food influencers. 

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