5 Social Media Trends To Watch In 2023

By: Emily Klempel, Senior Social Media Manager @ Foodie Tribe

We all know social media is going through constant changes and updates. It can be exhausting to keep up with, but we’re here to help! As 2022 comes to an end, we’ve researched what social media trends we can expect to see in 2023. Here’s what we’re forecasting for the new year: 

  1. TikTok Continues To Take Over

TikTok has grown immensely in recent years, and it’s not going away anytime soon. According to Hootsuite, TikTok released seven new features in 2022 alone. These include: 

It’s clear that TikTok is continuing to shine, with users spending more time on it than any other social media app (according to Hootsuite). If your business hasn’t joined TikTok yet, it’s time to make your handle and start creating videos! 

  1. Look Out for BeReal

Of all the apps released this year, BeReal is the one to watch. It hasn’t yet taken over the marketing space, but it is getting an increasing number of app downloads. The majority of users are Gen Z, which is a prime target for social media marketing. However, since the app is geared towards authentic posts between friends and doesn’t have any ads or business features, it’s a difficult app for brands to break into. It’s unclear whether this will change in 2023, but it’s something for marketers to keep an eye on. 

  1. Reels Aren’t Going Anywhere

By now, most marketers have realized the benefits of transitioning their Instagram content from still images to Reels. It can be overwhelming at first, but Reels are beneficial for reaching a much larger audience on Instagram than what’s possible with still images. Since Instagram created Reels to compete with TikTok, the feature is likely here to stay. Take advantage of it and allow Reels to help you grow your following! 

  1. Authenticity Is In

Scripted commercials and standard advertisements are becoming a thing of the past, and brand authenticity through influencer marketing is the way to go. Gen Z is not as interested in paid actors promoting products, and wants to hear from someone they trust (AKA influencers). Having real people share their genuine opinions on products is the quickest way to gain the trust of your target audience, which is the key to turning them into customers.

  1. Social Media Will Compete With Shopping Outlets

Thanks to updates to social media apps that allow users to purchase products directly in-app, we’ve seen an increase in social commerce. According to Influencer Marketing Hub, “A HubSpot survey shows that 36% of social media users purchased a product directly from Facebook, followed by 24.5% of consumers who used Instagram to buy products on social media.” Setting up your Facebook shop and linking it to your Instagram account can help your business increase sales. Additionally, Instagram’s product tag feature allows you to provide direct access to your products for followers to purchase. According to Hootsuite, the average annual spend per social media user will increase from more than $500 to more than $900 by 2025. 

One last thing to keep in mind going into 2023: If a social media app releases a new feature, it’s best to try it out as soon as possible. The algorithm tends to reward users for taking advantage of new features by sharing their content with a wider audience. 

Does your brand need help staying up to date on the trends in 2023? We can help! Are you an influencer looking to expand your brand partnerships and join a network of foodies?Apply to join Foodie Tribe!

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