How to Use ChatGPT in Digital Marketing

ChatGPT (and other AI tools) have been a hot topic of discussion for a while. And, if you work in the marketing field, you may be afraid of what these tools can do — and if they’re capable of replacing your job. The short answer is “no.” While ChatGPT is a smartly trained machine, it’s missing many of the elements that make digital marketing great, like human emotion, storytelling, and creativity.

The longer answer is that, while ChatGPT is not a replacement for human efforts, it can be a valuable resource to use when researching, brainstorming, planning, and designing. Read on to learn more about ChatGPT and the most effective ways to use it when working in digital marketing.

What Is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is an Artificial Intelligence tool that allows users to have human-like conversations with a chatbot, where the user can ask questions and the machine will generate responses. It’s not the same as a search engine, like Google, though it can be used like one. Unlike search engines, ChatGPT doesn’t search the Internet for information and gives answers in real time. Instead, it gives you responses based on training data. This means that the tool is still learning and its responses are not always accurate. As of right now, ChatGPT has only been trained on data up to 2021, so it’s not capable of giving up-to-date responses.

What Can ChatGPT Do?

ChatGPT has a more conversational tone, which allows users to understand concepts that may seem too technical or overwhelming. It allows anyone to access a ton of information very quickly, and can help generate ideas and strategies for your marketing content. That being said, ChatGPT can act like a catfish — while some of its answers look and sound correct, they aren’t actually accurate. As a content strategist, I’ve personally asked ChatGPT to pull up marketing campaign examples, and found that the answers it gave me didn’t actually exist when I double-checked on Instagram and TikTok. That’s why it’s important to double-check everything and ensure that the responses you receive are accurate.

One more thing — there’s an ethical debate about the act of copying directly from ChatGPT. The information that it has comes from somewhere, which means copying right from the source still counts as plagiarism. So, when ChatGPT offers something useful, take that information and rewrite it in a way that’s conversational, approachable, and original. It’s easy to discern when something was written by a person or written by AI. Human writing is more emotional, creative, and can draw from real-life experiences, whereas the generated responses of ChatGPT are more technical, formal, and lack warmth.   

How Can We Use ChatGPT In Digital Marketing?

As mentioned above, ChatGPT can be an excellent resource when researching and brainstorming different concepts. While you don’t want to take responses directly from it, you can use them as jumping off points. For social media managers, AI can be used to help with caption writing, keyword optimization, and content creation. For influencer managers, it can be helpful when ideating creative campaigns or providing background information for products or brands you’re unfamiliar with. 

ChatGPT Best Practices

When using ChatGPT, it’s important to be clear and specific — the more information you provide, the better the results will be. It’s also beneficial to use proper grammar and punctuation and avoid using slang or shorthand. Providing context is also key, as adding some background information will help ChatGPT to provide more accurate responses. To avoid confusion, only ask one question at a time, and try to keep those questions clear and concise. Lastly, don’t use offensive language or share sensitive information about your company or clients with ChatGPT. We don’t know what happens with the questions we ask ChatGPT, so it’s wise to protect any classified information.

Overall, we recommend incorporating ChatGPT into your everyday work when applicable, but not relying too heavily on it. Just remember that social media and influencer marketing are all about making human connections and providing authenticity. When we rely strictly on AI, we’re taking away those crucial elements.

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Emily KlempelComment