7 Digital Marketing Trends to Expect in 2024

Social media is always evolving, which means digital marketing has to grow with it. As trusted experts with the ability to connect brands directly to their audience, it’s crucial that we stay ahead of the curve when it comes to social media shifts — and we’re not just talking about the latest trending audios on TikTok. Based on a combination of research, client experiences, and our personal social media use, these are the trends that the Foodie Tribe team predicts will dominate digital marketing in 2024. 

AI (With Human Touches)

AI tools, like Chat GPT, are here to stay. However, just because marketers are growing more accustomed to it, doesn’t mean that consumers are. While AI will continue to be used as a tool for social media managers and marketers, consumers will shy away from things they don’t feel are authentic or “real.”  According to Hootsuite, 62% of consumers said they are less likely to engage with and trust content that they know was created by AI. When using artificial intelligence, follow best practices and be sure to add your own human touch.

Long-Form Content 

We know, we know — this one sounds a little out there. With bite-sized video content ruling TikTok and Instagram, it may not seem like long-form content exists anywhere anymore. However, platforms like YouTube, Substack, Spotify, and Twitch are ensuring that lengthier content is here to stay, from newsletters and live streams to deep dives and podcasts. Plus, both Instagram and TikTok have experimented with their maximum time limits for video content. 


By now, we know that social media users truly value authenticity and honesty from influencers. When you combine that with rising inflation and real-world stress, it’s no surprise that users are attracted to the concept of “de-influencing,” where influencers actually persuade their followers to not buy something. It’s a refreshing take when your feed or FYP is dominated by ads, and helps users feel more connected to the person they’re following. Despite the increasing prominence of TikTok shop and targeted ads, we expect de-influencing to be a strong movement next year,


Audiences are becoming more and more socially conscious, and have a deeper interest in the ethical practices of the brands they follow and purchase. A McKinsey survey found that 70% of Gen Z respondents said they try to purchase from companies that they consider to be ethical, which includes the treatment of their employees, animals, and the planet as a whole. Here at Foodie Tribe, we’ve seen a large uptick in sustainability as a core content pillar for brands when developing their social media strategies and noticed the success of sustainable brands like Girlfriend Collective and Too Good to Go

Lifestyle Content

Sorry, recipes — you’re officially old news. With an increased appreciation for authenticity and honesty on social media, audiences are less attracted to stylized, straightforward recipe tutorials. Instead, they’re looking more toward lifestyle content that shows how a product or brand can naturally fit into their daily lives. People appreciate seeing content they can relate to, and enjoy watching everyday moments that they also experience, from cleaning routines to after-work vlogs. 

Micro and Nano Influencers

When speaking with brands and influencers, we’ve noticed that the number one priority for their social media marketing is engagement. Because of this, micro and nano influencers are becoming more popular options for influencer marketing campaigns. While smaller influencers don’t have as wide of an audience as macro influencers, their followers tend to be more likely to engage with their content and consider the product they’re featuring. This relates back to that authenticity we keep talking about — smaller creators are typically viewed as more genuine and honest when it comes to recommending products and brands.


Studies show that millennials and Gen Z are increasingly likely to use TikTok and Instagram as search engines, as opposed to traditional sources like Google. That’s why keywords are becoming increasingly important in social media captions. Using keywords that people are likely to search for will help to boost your SEO and get more eyes on your content. Though emojis are cute, they’re not enough to make a post stand out. 

Want to know more about social media trends? Head to foodietribe.com to sign up for our trends newsletter and check out all the services we offer to help better and grow your brand on social media.

Emily KlempelComment