The Role of Content Pillars in Your Social Media Strategy

When developing a social media strategy, it’s crucial to start with a strong foundation. That’s where content pillars come in. In short, content pillars are the key principles that serve as the structure of your strategy. These can look different to every marketing agency and differ for every individual brand. 

Here at Foodie Tribe, we use content pillars as the cornerstones of a brand’s presence or the primary types of content they’re looking to post on social media. Examples can include education, entertainment, sustainability, giving back, lifestyle, product storytelling, brand history, and more. We recommend that brands identify three to four pillars that are most important to them, and then assign percentages for each one. When ideating content for a brand, it’s important to make sure that everything ties back to the pillars that the brand has identified, and that each pillar is being touched upon enough. 

For example, a coffee brand might view its content pillars as education, entertainment, lifestyle, and product storytelling. In that case, we would focus on developing content that teaches the audience about making coffee, highlights the coffee in a fun, enjoyable way, shows the coffee integrated into everyday life, and focuses on the flavor notes and production behind the different types of coffee beans. This ensures a healthy mix of content that serves to achieve the brand’s key goals. 

From there, you can develop a thoughtful strategy that incorporates the brand’s social media voice, look and feel, personality, and goals. If, for example, a brand wants to be 75% entertainment, it doesn’t exactly make sense for its tone to be serious and elegant. Choosing and planning the right content pillars for your brand helps everything else fall into place. 

If you’re a brand looking to create a thoughtful, smart social media strategy that drives results, we’re here to help! Shoot us a message here and we’ll schedule a chat to talk about all things social media and content for your brand.

Emily KlempelComment