Foodie Tribe Resource: Let's talk about color

As we begin spring in 2018 – it’s natural to want to share more floral and outdoor images, especially in what you’re cooking and enjoying! This year Panton’s color of the year is Color 18-3838 (which to many others reads as, Ultra Violet). And like everything else on social media, the color of the year is always trending.

By utilizing color in your images – you’re able to connect with people’s passion points, but also reflect the things that are most important to your brand. As a way to catch attention of your followers, trying adding a vibrant splash of color into your images – whether this is done with a seasoning such as saffron, or including an eye-catching table napkin in your image, it will make people stop in the tracks (or feeds) to process the image. And, hopefully share a like!

Another way to add depth to photos is to play with the textures that are featured in your images – if you are showing something like a pineapple or rice dish, complement the dominant images with smooth table beverage or lifestyle accessory to introduce balance into the frame.

Even when working with food, the more colors – the more delicious the plate!

ResourceKaty Coffield