Five Reasons Influencer Marketing is Crucial to Your Overall Strategy

Influencer marketing has become the go-to choice for brands and agencies. In one coordinated effort, you can attract your ideal audience, generate buzz around your brand, and engage potential customers. Our Tribe of influencers are powerful market leaders who can help expose your brand to extensive and diverse audiences who trust them to advocate for products, services, and experiences they genuinely believe in. Influencer marketing content can deliver more than 10x higher ROI than traditional forms of digital marketing.

Below are five reasons why influencer marketing is crucial to your strategy!

  1. Builds consumer trust: Did you know that 92% of people trust recommendations from individuals over brands? Influencer marketing enables you to promote your brand and create content that stands out, while simultaneously building authentic relationships

  2. Effective and affordable approach: A major pain point we often hear is “budget.” Brands are struggling with understanding where to invest their marketing dollars and where to get the most bang for their buck. According to a McKinsey study, influencer marketing generates more than twice the sales than that of display advertising, and those customers have a 37% higher retention rate than other acquisition channels.

  3. Clear target audience: Influencer marketing allows you to select the right group of content creators who have a large following of people just like them. So, if you want to promote a coffee brand, for instance, we will connect you with an influencer who is passionate about the coffee-making process. Their large audience following will likely be just as interested in the coffee industry as they are — it’s a win-win for you! 

  4. Your ads are being blocked: It’s becoming more apparent that consumers are blocking ads. The 2019 Ad block Report from PageFair shows that over 763 million devices use an ad blocker; since 2016, this number has grown globally by 64%. Influencer marketing helps you break through the noise, reaching the audience you want to communicate with at a much faster rate.

  5. It can boost your SEO: According to The Social Media Revolution, user-generated social media posts account for 25% of search results for the world’s top 20 brands. The more people who mention your brand on social media, the more popular and relevant your brand will be on Google and other search engines — and the easier it is for your ideal customer to find you!


Need help managing your influencer marketing campaigns but don’t know where to start? Get in touch with us!