Quarantine: The New Normal

It’s no doubt the COVID-19 pandemic has hit us all… hard. It has led to 1 million deaths worldwide, severe financial hardships and unemployment, and the decline of social scenes and face-to-face interaction. 

But even in the midst of disaster and devastation, we must force ourselves to implement a “glass half-full” mentality. While quarantine may become the new normal, it’s up to each of us to change our mindset and extract the positivity from these unprecedented times. 

Making sure to keep your creative juices flowing and holding on to certain beneficial quarantine habits can provide clarity and stability in our lives moving forward. For example, cooking meals at home improves nutritional quality and being surrounded by nature boosts your mood, contributes to psychological well-being, and reduces stress and anxiety. 

Try focusing your energy on some of these positive quarantine habits as well:

  • Creating new and unique recipes 

  • Starting your own blog

  • Appreciating family and friends 

  • Taking a break from technology when necessary 

  • Giving yourself mental breaks to refresh and reset focus

Learn about positive quarantine habits our Tribe members hope to intertwine in their lives moving forward!

What has helped you cope during this unprecedented time?

@hungry.blonde: Remembering that we're all in this together. I've leaned on my friends and family (and my online community!) more than ever, and even when I'm alone I'm thankful for opportunities to connect virtually.

@dadsfitness: Walking and watching sunrises! I walked most mornings during lockdown to see the sunrise - mostly alone, sometimes with my kids and other times, as the rules relaxed, with friends. Also, cooking my favorite dishes! 

@fittygalz: Definitely my Instagram page @fittygalz. Creating content and writing an ebook has helped me cope with these times beyond words. I put great music on, create recipes, bake them, and taste them. Also, I've developed a huge love for food photography so I am taking classes to perfect it. 

@foodthoughtsforall: I think what has really helped me during this time is thinking positively, understanding each other, and knowing we will get through this. I am grateful my life has not been severely impacted like it has for others, so being appreciative.

@somethingnutritious: Creating a routine! I’ve been working from home for the last year and a half, and a daily schedule helps keep my stress levels low, and productivity high. I also make sure to keep a flexible schedule whenever possible. There are days where I’m swamped for 8 hours, and days where I keep things lighter and end my work day at 3pm. We’re all dealing with this new normal, so I try not to be too hard on myself on days where I don’t get everything done. 

Are there specific techniques you rely on to reduce stress and anxiety, or seek clarity and peace of mind? 

@hungry.blonde: I start every morning with an hour of "quiet time" - I pray, journal and meditate. I write down and think about what I am thankful for and what my intentions are for the day ahead. I've also been practicing more low-impact exercises like pilates and walking.

@dadsfitness: The techniques I use are meditation and fitness, particularly swimming as I find it so relaxing. I find it helps in general to focus on objectives so I don't get bogged down with negative thoughts.

@fittygalz: Yes and it's NO SCREENS! No laptop, no phone, no tablet. I go out to a park and just connect with myself. It's me and nature - no music, no external sound. Me, myself, fresh air and nothing else. It's so important to free our minds from time to time especially with all the overwhelming information surrounding us.

@foodthoughtsforall: My day-to-day routine included going into the office, consistent workouts, and yoga, so without that the stress and anxiety has become a factor. I try to do my best to take time alone or do something for myself throughout the week so I can create peace of mind for myself. I have recently gotten back into my Yoga Sculpt routine, so that has helped tremendously. 

@somethingnutritious: Every evening I set up a to-do list for the following day. It helps me relax in the evenings, knowing I tackled my to-do list for that day, and preps me for the following day so I know what needs to get done. I also try to plan my workouts around the same time, mid-morning, and walk my dog late afternoon when I need a mental break from the kitchen and technology. 

Can you name some activities you’ve enjoyed doing at home to keep busy? Do you hope to continue these habits in your life moving forward? 

@hungry.blonde: I've been loving Melissa Wood's pilates/yoga flows, as well as her guided meditations. It's such a great combo of good for your body *and* mind. I've also been taking the opportunity to get more creative in the kitchen, build out my brand (getting started on TikTok, etc.) and lots of organizing and rearranging my apartment :)!

@dadsfitness: I enjoyed cooking my favorite dishes at home and also spending time with my children doing projects for school.

@fittygalz: I have started waking up and working out every morning, which for me, was so impossible to imagine. I cannot live without it now… I have a good sweat before starting my day and I feel energized throughout. 

@foodthoughtsforall: I would totally consider myself a homebody, so it has been really nice spending more time at home. I love to watch movies, organize the house, and spend time with family (as much as one can during this time). I have also carved out time to start blogging more and spending more time creating content for my foodie Instagram page. In the future, I hope to appreciate being home more often and making my space relaxing to enjoy those weekends "in.”

@somethingnutritious: As a full-time food blogger, I found myself baking a lot more over the last few months. Since many people were home with their kids, I loved creating healthier baked goods that the whole family could enjoy. I’ve also been trying to incorporate at least 30 minutes of movement at least 5 days a week. Since our building gyms closed at the start of the pandemic, I’ve gotten really into YouTube home workouts, and switch off between kickboxing, pilates and cardio circuits.